Job Vacancies

Every now and then, positions in our small team at LABOUR AND WAIT become available. What we look for most in a candidate is politeness and attention to detail. Over the years we have kept a varied team, ranging from young undergraduates to the retired. We find this generates a particular chemistry that brings something special to LABOUR AND WAIT.

If you are interested in working with us, find our current vacancies listed below.

Ecom and Marketing Coordinator

We are looking for a dedicated and meticulous individual with experience in overseeing the day to day maintenance and running of an ecommerce website (this one!) as well as overseeing various aspects of our marketing.

Candidates should have experience in using Shopify, Klaviyo, Google Shopping, Meta/Instagram adverts, and liaising with developers.

Experience in copywriting and/or graphic design very desirable!

And of course, the best candidates are already Labour and Wait customers.

Please email your CV, cover letter and salary expectation to

Please note that due to the high volume of applications we receive, unfortunately we cannot reply to each application. Thank you for understanding!


We are looking for reliable, versatile and disciplined people to fulfil the role of shop assistant over two days a week.

You’ll be a natural in a shop environment who enjoys chatting with customers, making them feel welcome and comfortable.

Ideal candidates will have shop experience, particularly with homeware and clothing, and are already Labour and Wait customers.

If you are interested in this role, please or email:

Please note that due to the high volume of applications we receive, unfortunately we cannot reply to each application. Thank you for understanding!